Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble...

Recipes for Creating the Oil of your purpose

**Base oil is of your choice, I prefer Jojoba (for very sensitive skin), some use Olive Oil for economic reasons.

Moon Oil

1/8 cup base oil

1 drop Jasmine

1 drop Sandlewood

A small pinch of either dried Dragon's Blood or a drop of Dragon's Blood Oil

Wear during the time of the Full Moon to attune with its vibrations. You can also wear to induce psychic dreams, to speed healing, to facilitate sleep, to increase fertility, and for all Lunar Work.

Air Oil (Elemental)

1/8 cup base oil

10 drops Lavendar

6 drops Sandalwood

2 drops Neroli

Wear to invoke the powers of Air and to promote clear thinking, for travel spells, and to overcome addictions.

Earth Oil (Elemental)

1/8 cup base oil

8 drops Patchouly

8 drops Cypress

Wear to invoke the powers of Earth, to bring money, prosperity, abundance, stability, and foundation.

Water Oil (Elemental)

1/8 cup base oil

6 drops Palmarosa

4 drops Ylang-Ylang

2 drops Jasmine

Wear to invoke the powers of Water, such as love, healing, psychic awareness and purification.

Fire Oil (Elemental)

1/8 cup base oil

6 drops Ginger

4 drops Rosemary

2 drops Clove

2 drops Petigrain

Wear to invoke the powers of Fire, such as energy, courage, strength, love, and passion.

Anointing Oil

1/8 cup base oil

5 drops Sandlewood

3 drops Cedarwood

1 drop Orange

1 drop Lemon

Use for general ritual anointing purposes.

Altar Oil

1/8 cup base oil

4 drops Frankincense

2 drops Myrrh

1 drop Cedar

Anoint the altar with this oil at regular intervals, calling on your Deity (Deities) to watch over it.

Astral Travel Oil

1/8 cup base oil

5 drops Sandlewood

1 drop Ylang-Ylang

1 drop Cinnamon

A pinch of dried Dragon's Blood is optional, but it can strengthen the power *Caution: may irritate sensitive skin.

Anoint the stomach, wrists, back of the neck, and third eye (forehead center). Lie down and visualize yourself astrally projecting.

Business Success Oil

1/8 cup base oil

3 parts Bergamont (Mint)

1 part Basil

1 part Patchouly

A pinch of ground Cinnamon

Anoint the hands, cash register, business card, or front door of the business to increase cash flow.

Come and See Me Oil

1/8 cup base oil

5 drops Patchouly

1 drop Cinnamon

1 drop Lavendar

To attract the ideal mate smear on a white image candle of the appropriate sex, and burn with visualization.

Courage Oil

1/8 cup base oil

3 drops Ginger

1 drop Black Pepper

1 drop Clove

Wear to increase courage, especially before unsure situations.

Fast Money Oil

1/8 cup base oil

7 drops Patchouly

5 drops Cedarwood

4 drops Vertivert

2 drops Ginger

1 drop Mistletoe

A small pinch of Yerba Buena (peppermint)

Wear, rub on hands, or anoint green candles to bring money. Also anoint money before spending to insure its return.

Love Oil

1/8 cup base oil

7 drops Palmarosa

5 drops Ylang-Ylang

1 drop Ginger

2 drops Rosemary

1 drop Cardamom

2 drops Lavendar

Fresh rose petals you have dried, pink or red, depending on intent

Mix and let "blend" for at least a week, making sure to gently shake it (to stir) every other day or so. While you are "re stirring", focus on your purpose the oil was created for.

Protection Oil

1/8 cup base oil

4 drops Basil

3 drops Geranium

2 drops Pine

1 drop Vertivert

Wear for protection against all kinds of attacks. You can also anoint windows, doors, and other parts of the home to guard it.


Incenses are composed of a variety of leaves, flowers, roots, barks, woods, resins, gums, and oils. Semiprecious stones are sometimes added to lend their energies to the mixture. Out of the literally hundreds of potential incense ingredients, perhaps fourteen are most frequently used, and its a good idea to keep a stock of these on hand if you plan to create your own custom incenses: Frankincense, Myrrh, Benzoin, Copal, Rose Petals, Bay, Cinnamon, Pine, Juniper, Sandalwood, Cedar, Thyme, Basil, and Rosemary. To directly quote Scott Cunningham: "Scent is power. It allows us to slip into ritual consciousness, thereby allowing us to raise power, infuse it with the proper energies, and send it forth toward the magical goal."

There are two forms of incense, combustible and noncombustible. Combustible contains ingredients such as saltpeter (potassium nitrate) to aid in burning, and is usually found in bricks, blocks, sticks, cones, etc. Noncombustible is usually ground to a finely powdered state and sprinkled onto glowing charcoal blocks to attain a burn. Each has their purpose and advantage depending on the requirement of the Magick being worked. Always remember to focus, empower, and visualize on your Magickal goal when creating your formulations or powders.

Cone Incense Base

6 parts ground Charcoal (not self-igniting)

1 part ground Benzoin

2 parts ground Sandalwood

1 part Orris root (this "fixes" the scent)

6 drops essential oil

2 to 4 parts mixed empowered incense

Mix the first four ingredients until well blended. Add the essential oil and mix thoroughly with your hands to attain a powdered mixture with a fine texture. If needed run the mixture through a grinder or mortar until it is satisfactory. Next, add two to four parts of the empowered incense mixture. Combine this well with your hands. Weigh the mixture on a small kitchen scale, then add ten percent saltpeter (potassium nitrate) and mix well. Make sure you only add ten percent of the potassium nitrate, because if you add too much the incense will burn too fast, and adding too little may result in it not burning at all.

Simple Incenses

These are one herb incenses that can be burned on charcoal when needed. Simply grind, empower, and burn them on charcoal.

Allspice: Burn to attract money, luck, and to provide extra physical energy.

Arabic Gum: Use for purification and protection of the home.

Bay: Burn for purification, healing, protection, and to sharpen psychic powers.

Benzoin: Use for purification, prosperity, and increasing mental powers.

Cedar: Smolder for purification, protection, to speed healing, to promote spirituality, and to obtain money.

Cinnamon: Burn to sharpen psychic powers, to draw money, speed healing, confer protection, and to strengthen love.

Clove: Burn for protection, exorcism, money, love, and purification.

Copal: Burn for protection, cleansing, purification, to promote spirituality, and to purify quartz crystals and other stones before use in Magick.

Dragon's Blood: Use for love, protection, exorcism, sexual potency, and to add power to any Magickal working.

Fern: Burn the fronds to exorcise evil, and outdoors to bring rain.

Frankincense: Burn for protection, exorcism, spirituality, love, and consecration.

Juniper: Burn for exorcism, protection, healing, and love.

Myrrh: Burn for healing, protection, exorcism, peace, consecration, and meditation.

Pine: Smolder for money, purification, healing, and exorcism.

Rosemary: Burn for protection, exorcism, purification, healing, sleep, youth, love, and to bring intellectual powers.

Sage: Smolder to promote healing and spirituality.

Sandalwood: Burn for protection, healing, exorcism, and spirituality.

Thyme: Burn for health, healing, and purification.

Incense Recipes

Altar Incense:

3 parts Frankincense

2 parts Myrrh

1 part Cinnamon

Burn as a general incense to purify your ritual area and altar.

Aphrodite Incense:

1 part Cinnamon

1 part Cedar

a few drops Cedar Oil

Burn during rituals to attract love.

Apollo Incense:

4 parts Frankincense

2 parts Myrrh

2 parts Cinnamon

a part Bay

Burn during rituals of divination and healing.

Astral Travel Incense:

3 parts Sandalwood

3 parts Benzoin

1 part Mugwort

1 part Dittany of Crete

Burn a small amount in the room to aid in projecting the astral body.

Beltane Incense:

3 parts Frankincense

2 parts Sandalwood

1 part Woodruff

1 part Rose Petals

a few drops of Jasmine Oil

a few drops of Neroli Oil

Burn during Wiccan rituals on Beltane or on May Day for fortune and favors, and to attune with the changing of the seasons.

Binding Incense:

4 parts Nettle

4 parts Thistle

4 parts Knotgrass

1/4 part Nightshade**

1/4 part Wolfsbane (Aconite)**

**Burn with caution, taking care not to directly inhale the smoke. (see my Herbal Library on this website for the properties and dangers of these herbs) Its best to burn this incense outdoors for destroying baneful habits and thoughts.

Business Incense:

2 parts Benzoin

1 part Cinnamon

1 part Basil

Burn to attract customers.

Circle Incense:

4 parts Frankincense

2 parts Myrrh

2 parts Benzoin

1 part Sandalwood

1/2 part Cinnamon

1/2 part Rose Petals

1/4 part Vervain

1/4 part Rosemary

1/4 part Bay

Use for general workings in the Circle, the ritual working space of Wiccans and Magicans, and as a general ritual incense.

Clearing Incense:

3 parts Frankincense

3 parts Copal

2 parts Myrrh

1 part Sandalwood

Burn this incense to clear your home of negative vibrations, especially when household members are arguing or when the house seems heavy and thick with anger, jealousy, depression, fear, etc. Leave the windows open while burning this incense.

Consecration Incense:

2 parts Wood Aloe

1 part Mace

1 part Storax or Gum Arabic

1 part Benzoin

Burn when purifying or consecrating ritual tools, jewelry, quartz crystals, and stones. Smolder this incense and pass the object through its smoke several times visualizing the fumes purifying the object.

Curse Breaker Incense

2 parts Sandalwood

1 part Bay

1 part Rosemary

1 part Dragon's Blood

Burn at night near an open window. Smolder this incense and visualize it banishing all negativity from you. Repeat this ritual for seven nights during the Waning Moon, if possible.

Full Moon Incense

3 parts Frankincense

2 parts Sandalwood

1 part Rose Petals

1/2 part Gardenia Petals

A few drops Ambergris Oil

Burn during Full Moon rituals to honor La Luna and attune with her Magick.

House Purification Incense:

3 parts Frankincense

2 parts Dragon's Blood

1 part Myrrh

1 part Sandalwood

1 part Wood Betony

1/2 part Dill Seed

A few drops Rose Geranium Oil

Burn in your house to cleanse it at least once a month, on the Full Moon, if possible. This is also a good incense to burn in a new home before moving in.

Imbolc Incense

3 parts Frankincense

2 parts Dragon's Blood

1/2 part Sandalwood

1 part Cinnamon

A few drops red wine

To this mixture add a pinch of the first flower (dried) that is available in your area at the time of Imbolc. Burn during Wiccan ceremonies on Imbolc, or to simply attune with the symbolic rebirth of the Sun, the fading of Winter, and the promise of Spring.

Love Incense:

2 parts Sandalwood

1 part Dragon's Blood

1 part Lavender Flowers or a few drops Lavender Oil

1 part Orris

1/2 part Cinnamon

1/2 part Rose Petals

A few drops of Patchouli and a few drops of Musk Oil

Burn to attract love, to strengthen the love you have, and to expand your ability to give and receive love.

Mabon Incense

2 parts Frankincense

1 part Sandalwood

1 part Cypress

1 part Juniper

1 part Pine

1/2 part Oakmoss (or a few drops Oakmoss bouquet)

1 pinch pulverized Oak leaf

Burn during Wiccan ceremonies on Mabon, the Autumnal Equinox. Use this incense to help attune with the change of the seasons.

Midsummer Incense

2 parts Sandalwood

1 part Mugwort

A pinch of Vervain

1 part Chamomile

1 part Gardenia Petals

A few drops of: Rose Oil, Lavender Oil, and Yarrow Oil

Burn at Wiccan rituals at the Summer Solstice to attune with the seasons and the Sun.

Ostara Incense

2 parts Frankincense

1 part Benzoin

1 part Dragon's Blood

1/2 part Nutmeg

1/2 part Violet Flowers or a few drops Violet Oil

1/2 part Orange Peel

1/2 part Rose Petals

Burn during Wiccan rituals on Ostara, the Spring Equinox to welcome Spring and to refresh your life.

Prosperity Incense

2 parts Frankincense

1 part Cinnamon

1 part Nutmeg

1 part Lemon Balm

1 part Citron

Burn to attract wealth and good fortune.

Protection Incense

4 parts Frankincense

3 parts Myrrh

2 parts Juniper Berries

1 part Rosemary

1 part Dragon's Blood

1/2 part Avens

1/2 part Mugwort

1/2 part Yarrow

1/2 part St. John's Wort

1/2 part Angelica

1/2 part Basil

Burn while visualizing for both physical and psychic protection.

Sabbat Incense:

4 parts Frankincense

2 parts Myrrh

2 parts Benzoin

1/2 part Bay

1/2 part Fennel

1/2 part Thyme

1//2 part Pennyroyal

1/2 part Solomon's Seal

1/4 part Rue

1/4 part Wormwood

1/4 part Chamomile

1/4 part Rose Petals

This is an excellent incense to burn at Wiccan Sabbats. Take caution not to directly inhale the fumes, as Wormwood and Rue can cause side effects.

Sight Incense

2 parts Gum Mastic

2 parts Juniper

1 part Sandalwood

1 part Cinnamon

1 part Calamus

A few drops Ambergris Oil

A few drops Patchouli Oil

Mix, empower, and burn to promote psychic awareness. Some add Hemp to this recipe.

Yule Incense

2 parts Frankincense

2 parts Pine Needles or Resin

1 part Cedar

1 part Juniper Berries

Mix and smolder at Wiccan rites on Yule, or during the Winter months to cleanse the home and to attune with the forces of nature amid the cold days and nights.

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The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, & Brews by Scott Cunningham

Spinning Spells, Weaving Wonders by Patricia Telesco